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Welcome to my blog on Learn English. I will be posting interesting things about the English language, mini lessons and tips on how to study English through fun activities, videos and songs. Hope you enjoy these posts!
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Oct 6, 2021
A Good Movie to Watch
There are now so many movies and TV programmes you can choose from because of all the streaming services but how do you know which one to...

Oct 1, 2021
Like Idioms? Watch Catchphrase!
Do you like to learn idioms? They are used a lot in speaking but, unfortunately, are difficult to learn. Even if you don't use them,...

Sep 24, 2021
That's a promise!
Promise (v, n): to tell someone that you will certainly do something "I will always love you! I'll never leave you!" Have you heard that...

Sep 16, 2021
A Tennis Star is Born
Did anyone watch the US Open tennis final? More than 9.2 million people in the UK did and I was one of them. We don't get many tennis...

Sep 9, 2021
English is all around
I was walking around town and took some pictures of signs outside the shops. So much you can learn from a simple sign! Read the signs....

Sep 1, 2021
Blind Football?? Amazing!
Have you been following the Paralympics? I've been watching the football and I'm in awe! I'm absolutely gobsmacked. These athletes are...

Mar 4, 2021
Can you learn English from a snack?
I bought a treat for myself yesterday - something I haven't eaten for a while. It's called a 'yum yum' and it's a cross between a...

Feb 11, 2021
Just Relax and Turn on the Radio!
I used to listen to the radio all the time when I was young but nowadays people don't really do that anymore. I only do it now when I'm...

Jan 21, 2021
Terrible Weather!
What's the weather like in your country? In the UK, the weather is usually quite awful so people like to talk about the weather a lot! ...

Jan 8, 2021
Love Music? Try this website...
If you, like me, love listening to songs, is a great place to learn English at the same time. Choose your favourite...

Jan 6, 2021
News in Levels
Reading is a great way to increase your vocabulary. Some people like to read stories but some prefer factual information like the news. ...

Jan 4, 2021
My Favourite Things
I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year break. I certainly did! I did my favourite thing over the holidays - just sit and...

Dec 12, 2020
Speak Naturally... Use Phrasal Verbs!
Native speakers use a lot of phrasal verbs so if you want to sound more natural, try to use phrasal verbs. Oh no! I can hear my students...

Nov 26, 2020
I'm getting used to this!
'get used to' is a grammar that many students find hard to use in their speaking. Look at how it's used in 2 different songs. It looks...

Nov 25, 2020
A Place in the Sun
A great way to learn vocabulary is from watching TV programmes and films. YouTube is a great place to find short clips and I love using...

Nov 17, 2020
Using Songs to Learn English
Songs are great for learning vocabulary, grammar, pronunication and listening. I love using songs in my classroom. You can find so much...

Nov 14, 2020
How do you pronounce words with 'ough'?
through, though, do you say these words?
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