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A Place in the Sun

A great way to learn vocabulary is from watching TV programmes and films. YouTube is a great place to find short clips and I love using these to help students notice words that native speakers use.

Steps for learning vocabulary.

  1. Choose any programme you like, watch it and enjoy it!

  2. Next choose 1 to 2 minutes of the programme/film and use the subtitles to help you find any interesting words or idioms.

  3. Find the meaning, write sentences with the words, use it in your speaking, see if you can find these words in other programmes.

Let's try it in this TV programme from the UK.

A Place in the Sun is a popular afternoon TV show where they help people find houses or apartments in Spain. In the UK, we don't have a lot of sun so everyone dreams of having a second home in a country with lots of sunshine.

Click on the photo link above. Listen to the first 2 minutes and 40 seconds. What does the apartment have? Is the lady happy with this apartment?

Listen again and put these words or phrases in the order you hear them...(Answers at the bottom of the page)

  1. She's got a good eye for materials.

  2. a massive discount

  3. Let's see if the property measures up.

  4. astonishing views

What do these words mean? Click for the meaning.

She's got a good eye for materials.


Let's see if the property measures up.


Also look at the adjectives. There are some good adjectives that native speakers use. How does the adjective add more meaning and detail to the noun?

astonishing views

a massive discount



  1. Let's see if the property measures up.

  2. a massive discount

  3. astonishing views

  4. She's got a good eye for materials.

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