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course DETAILS and prices



A speaking course that focuses on improving your vocabulary and pronunciation on

everyday topics. 

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speak naturally


5-hour course

Does it feel like you are reading when you speak in English?

This short course helps you understand how native speakers pronounce and

connect words together so that

you can speak more naturally.

grammar and speaking

Are you only using present simple and past simple when you speak?


Want to use more grammar?

Choose from a series of short modules designed to look at different grammatical structures and how they are used in speaking. 


It will help you build your confidence

in speaking with more grammar.

Study Smart.jpg


smart (adj), meaning: in a clever and effective way

A 4-hour course that helps you  learn how to study English

English is everywhere – films, TV, YouTube, online newspapers, songs, social media,

but how do you use these real materials to help you improve your English in an effective way?

Vocabulary and Speaking
Grammar and Speaking
Speak Naturally Pron
Study Smart


Lessons are on ZOOM.

​Book and pay for your lesson

at least 3 days before by PayPal.

Group Discount

Learn with a friend and receive 20% discount per person on our prices.


Maximum 3 students in each class. 


Please note:

This is subject to the level of each student.  If there is a wide gap in the English level, this may not be possible. 

This is assessed during the free trial lesson.

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