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A Good Movie to Watch

There are now so many movies and TV programmes you can choose from because of all the streaming services but how do you know which one to watch?

With each show, there is always a short review to help you choose. This is a great way to learn vocabulary and improve your reading. The short review normally gives you a quick summary of the plot of the story and the writer's opinion. There is so much vocabulary you can learn related to films and TV programmes from there.

There is a great website called A Good Movie to Watch and you can read about a film or TV programme before watching it.

To learn vocabulary and practise reading using the website, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website and choose a movie or TV programme

  2. Read the description quickly and answer these questions: Does it sound interesting to you? What is the general idea of this film/programme? happy, sad, exciting, etc What genre is it? Historical, Sci-Fi, Romance, etc

  3. Read the description again. What adjectives were used to describe the show? Write them down on a piece of paper and check the meaning.

  4. Watch the film/programme. Do you agree with the adjectives they used?

Try this and see how many words and phrases you can learn.


Vocabulary not only consists of individual words but also groups of words that are used together. How can you find the 'groups of words'? Learn how to study vocabulary on the Study Smart course. There are also more tips on how get more from this reading activity. Find out more here >


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