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Just Relax and Turn on the Radio!

I used to listen to the radio all the time when I was young but nowadays people don't really do that anymore. I only do it now when I'm driving.

However, the radio is actually a great way to learn English. You are not only listening to songs but you can also listen to the DJs talking, interviews, the news and radio adverts.

Students now are so lucky to have the internet where you can listen to radio stations from all over the world. There is a great website Radio Garden and you can find a radio station anywhere in the world! English speaking, of course!

Listening to the radio is a lot more difficult than TV and film because there are no subtitles, you can't see the people's faces and the DJs talk fast! But you can have the radio on in the background when you are doing something else so you are absorbing English without thinking about it. It's a good way to get used to the way English is spoken.

So next time you are doing the ironing or cooking, just turn on the radio!


Learn English with Christine has a short course in English Pronunciation - Speak Naturally which helps students to understand the way English is spoken and helps with listening. Go to the Course Details page from the menu for more information.


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