I bought a treat for myself yesterday - something I haven't eaten for a while. It's called a 'yum yum' and it's a cross between a croissant and a donut.

English is everywhere if you look closely.
While eating, I started reading what was written on the side of the box.
'If you've just finished these sweet treats, it means two things.
1. You're in a good mood.
2. You have a box to dispose of.
And we're hoping that because of (1), you might be persuaded to do (2) in a responsible way.
Please recycle what you can - and if you can't, please pop it in the bin. Thanks.'
I thought to myself that there's a lot of English here to learn here. So here's my challenge for you:
Can you find any new words or phrases in the description? What do they mean?
Can you find different types of grammar? Conditionals? Present Perfect? Passive? A verb + preposition? A verb + infinitive?
English is everywhere. When you see anything in English, read it and see what you know. Even if it's very short, there is always something to learn!
Happy learning!