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My Favourite Things

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year break. I certainly did! I did my favourite thing over the holidays - just sit and watch old films. One of my favourites is the Sound of Music. These movies remind me of my childhood and of course I love the music and songs! One of the songs is 'My Favourite Things'.

Why don't you listen to it? Click on the Youtube clip above and listen to the words. There is a lot of vocabulary in there. Listen and think about:

  1. The vocabulary - what are the words she uses? Which ones are adjectives, nouns, verbs? What adjective is used with __?__ apple strudel? (What is apple strudel??? Check google!) What kind of geese? __?__ geese

  2. Can you find a phrasal verb? Clue: t___ u_

  3. How does she pronounce the words? Listen to 'kittens' and 'mittens'...does she pronounce the /t/ sound - kittens, mittens?

  4. Can you find a conditional (grammar) in the song? Clue: When....

Now sing the song! Try to pronounce the words and feel the do the words go up and down, soft and loud, short and long?

Feel the English! Enjoy!


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